BAILMENT AGREEMENT ____________________________, referred to herein as "OWNER" and ____________________________, referred to as "BORROWER," agree: _______________ is the owner of the following personal property: ______________________________________________________________ OWNER herewith bails to BORROWER the personal property described above, for a period of _________, for the purpose of ____________ ________________. BORROWER agrees to return the same to OWNER in good condition, ordinary wear and excepted. THIS IS A BAILMENT WITHOUT PAYMENT FROM BORROWER TO OWNER FOR THE LENDING. BORROWER acknowledges an opportunity to review the personal property bailed, and ACCEPTS THE SAME "AS IS," "WITH ALL FAULTS" and WITHOUT WARRANTY. BORROWER HAS ASCERTAINED THAT THE BAILED PROPERTY IS FIT FOR THE PURPOSE THAT BORROWER DESIRES TO USE THE BAILED PROPERTY. OWNER is not a "merchant" as the same is defined in the Uniform Commercial Code. The BORROWER shall at all times maintain insurance coverage for all insurable perils on the personal property bailed herein in a minimum amount of $________, and OWNER shall be named as a loss payee and co-insured thereon. OWNER may obtain such coverage for BORROWER, and at BORROWER's expense, if the same is not obtained and proof thereof given to OWNER. The BORROWER agrees to indemnify and hold harmless OWNER from any and all liability which may accrue as a result of BORROWER'S use of the bailed property. The OWNER may terminate this bailment prior to the expiration of the same which is specified herein for cause, including but not limited to: a. the intentional misuse or neglect of the bailed property; b. the use of the bailed property in contravention of any statute or administrative regulation; c. other objectively reasonable cause. Said termination shall be effective immediately upon ____________ _______'s election to do so. Dated: ________________________________ _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________